Outreach Projects
Valorizing laboratory neuroscience research through outreach
Neuroscience and Theology
Modern advances in neuroscience are questioning the relationship between the human brain and religion. The scholarship of "neurotheology" or "spiritual neuroscience" is in its infancy.
In collaboration with neuroscientists and theologians, I work to bridge the gap between neuroscience and theology with emphasis on developing a theological anthropology based on Orthodox Patristics and connecting this to modern neuroscience research.
Click here for an example of my theology-neuroscience work.
Neuroscience and Law
Neuroscientific discoveries about the brain are prompting the legal system to evaluate current notions about criminal culpability. Providing evidence-based neuroscience research to lawyers, Legislative Directors, and Senators assists them in efforts to guide law policy while ensuring that offenders are held accountable for wrongdoing.
Click here to learn more.
General Public Education
With support from MBF Bioscience and the Marie Curie Alumni Association educational videos, presentations, and neuroart are used to disseminate up to date information about the brain and behavior.
Click here for an example.