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Hermina Nedelescu

Neuro Scientist Artist

Hermina's artwork depicts the intricate structure and beauty of the brain at the neuronal level visible only with a microscope. Aided by MBF Bioscience's microscope-neuron mapping software, her digital drawings of neurons makes what is invisible to the naked eye visible.      

Hermina is a staff scientist in the Department of Neuroscience at Scripps Research and a neuro artist on weekends.

Scientific Art~tistic Science

1.   Connection Dendritic "Wires"

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2.   Gyrus Trees  - SOLD

3.   Infected Together

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4.   Axonal Convergence

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5.   Lobular Convolutions

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6.   Neighboring Purkinje Cells

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7.   Axonal Path

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8.   White Dendrites

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9.   Salient Tree - SOLD

10. Dispersed Forest - SOLD

11.  Neuronal Forest - Not for Sale

12.  Reaching for the Stars - Not for Sale

13.  Hollow Branches

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14.  Part of a Dendritic Branch

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15.  Noradrenalin Fibers - SOLD

16.  Infected Network

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